Rochelle Quote #315

Quote from Rochelle in Everybody Hates Math

Chris: I'm sorry, Ma. I just needed to get some help.
Rochelle: Oh, so I just rassled you to the ground and stopped you from learning?
Maxine: Rochelle, all you did was holler at the boy.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] My mother was hollering at her boy long before it was cool to holla at your boy.
Rochelle: Is that what you told her?
Maxine: He didn't have to tell me, Rochelle, I know you. You are impatient. You couldn't teach a rock how to hit the ground if you dropped it.
[fantasy: Rochelle is holding a rock out on the street:]
Rochelle: Now, all you got to do is fall straight down. Ow! Didn't I tell you to hit the ground?!


 ‘Everybody Hates Math’ Quotes

Quote from Greg

Greg: You've got to come through for us, dude. Remember last year how we could smell the pizza coming down the hall and then passing us by and leaving us like the last helicopter out of Saigon?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Greg had watched First Blood on TV the night before.
Greg: I don't want to go through that again.

Quote from Jerome

Chris: You think I could get an algebra tutor?
Rochelle: An algebra tutor? In Bed-Stuy?
[fantasy: Jerome is holding a whiteboard on the street:]
Jerome: Now, there are six units and 12 tenants in this building. If "X" equals the number of units with televisions, and "Y" equals the people who are at work right now, how many TVs can we steal, hmm?

Quote from Ms. Morello

Ms. Morello: Now, Chris, my request for the school to provide you with an alternate victory meal of ribs and pigs' knuckles was denied, but I know as well as you do that you loves you some pizza, right?
Chris: Uh... right.
Ms. Morello: Well, I'd like our class win, but If you don't get your average up, that's not going to happen.
Chris: But I'm trying. I just don't get algebra. Maybe you could tutor me after school.
Ms. Morello: I'm sorry, Chris. I don't have time. Have you called the United Negro College Fund? Maybe they can help.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] History would later prove her wrong.
Ms. Morello: All I'm trying to say is: if you don't get algebra, we don't get pizza.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] And I'm gonna get sliced.