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Quote from Chris in Everybody Hates the Class President

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Getting my campaign going was hard. It's not like my daddy was the class president before me.
Chris: Man, only eight signatures? I thought at least the nerds would support us.
Greg: Even they go for the cool people. Look at this. Ms. Morello gave it to me.
Chris: What?
Greg: It's a popularity poll.
Chris: They took a popularity poll?
Greg: And focus groups. Basically, it says we can't get on the ballot running together.
Chris: What are you talking about?
Greg: We appeal to the same base. Carol, Warren, Terrence Ping.
Chris: But we can't let this stop us. We have to keep trying.
Greg: What are we supposed to do, just get popular? Look at him. He's popular.
Chris: DiPaolo? He's as dumb as a rock.
Frank DiPaolo: Hey, Chris! How do you spell "spell"?
Chris: S-P-E-L-L.
Greg: He might be dumb, but people like him.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] They said the same thing about Fabio.

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