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Quote from Joey Caruso in Everybody Hates Food Stamps

Greg: I still wish Earth was further away from the sun.
Chris: You think we can win it?
Greg: Are you kidding me? If we can't beat a bug in Jell-O, I'll go to school in your neighborhood.
Chris: You're right. This looks great.
Joey Caruso: [grabs their project] Hey, Frank. I finished our science project.
Greg: Hey, you can't do that!
Joey Caruso: What are you gonna do about it?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] All the science in the world is no match for a guy who could smack the taste out of your mouth.
[later, Caruso is crowned winner:]
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Caruso couldn't spell "solar system," but since he could kick both our asses, that meant the universe was his.
Joey Caruso: Yeah!
Greg: [to Chris] At least we beat the Jell-O bug.

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