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Quote from Chris in Everybody Hates Lasagna

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Before Cops was a show on TV, I saw cops chasing criminals every day on the streets in Bed-Stuy. Some of the criminals were fast. Some of them were fast, then slow. And no matter what you saw, the most important thing was to not get involved.
T.J.: Hold this.
Chris: What is it?
T.J.: What you think it is? And you better have it when I get back!
Police Officer: Hey, where's the weed, T.J.?
T.J.: I ain't got no weed, man!
Police Officer: Yeah, right. Where's the weed, T.J.?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] I had never actually seen real marijuana. But after having a bag of it shoved into my hands, I knew one thing: If that's what happened to the guy who didn't have the weed, I didn't want to know what would happen to the guy who did have it.

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