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Quote from Chris in Everybody Hates Minimum Wage

Mr. Fong: Lionel Richie, you're back just in time for another delivery.
Chris: I'm not going back out there. This neighborhood is too dangerous for deliveries. You're basically sending me out there with a sign saying, "Hey, I got money. Please rob me." Plus, I almost got shot.
Mr. Fong: My nephew has been shot by the Chinese army seven times.
Man: [Chinese: In the face!]
Adult Chris: [v.o.] He should stop attacking China.
Mr. Fong: Here's your check. Maybe it help you feel better.
Chris: $48.29? Where's the rest of the money?
Mr. Fong: Taxes. The law says I have to take out withholding. Welcome to America. Now take this to Decatur Street.
Chris: Uh-uh. You take it. 'Cause I quit. And I don't look like Lionel Richie.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Yes, I do!

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