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Quote from Chris in Everybody Hates Snow Day

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Even though Principal Edwards had traveled the world, he couldn't get me back to Brooklyn.
Principal Edwards: I'm sorry, Chris, I can't let you go.
Chris: Why not?
Principal Edwards: Our phones are out. You're not allowed to leave school without the consent of a parent or guardian.
Chris: So you're saying the only reason why I can't leave is 'cause I'm here?
Principal Edwards: That, my friend, is a paradox. [hits gong]
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Sounds more like C-block.
Principal Edwards: Why would your mother allow you to go out in weather like this?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] She's crazy.
Chris: She doesn't like us to miss school.
Principal Edwards: Let's not disappoint her.

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