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Quote from Chris in Everybody Hates Halloween

Jerome: Why don't you go ask her to dance?
Chris: I ain't never asked a girl to dance before.
Jerome: The worst thing she could say is no.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Jerome was right. At that moment I realized a woman needs a man to take control of a situation. And that's what I intended to do.
Chris: Hey, Keisha, you want to dance?
Keisha: Hell, no! Are you crazy?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Actually, all she said was no. But when you're 13, no sounds a lot like this...
Keisha: Why are you dressed in that stupid costume? What are you supposed to be anyways? Why are you here? Didn't nobody invite you. I invited Drew. Get out of my face.
Girl: Dang, Keisha.
Chris: All you had to say was no.

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