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Quote from Chris in Everybody Hates PSATs

Adult Chris: [v.o.] After decapitating the Academic Scholastathon, I was never so happy to be sad.
Rochelle: You okay, baby?
Chris: Mom, I know how much you wanted us to be in Hansel and Gretel. So, I'm sorry I messed up.
Rochelle: Baby, if they think this family's not good enough to join their stupid club, then forget them.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Bet they'd beg me to join now!
Chris: I'm proud of you.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Even though I lied and cheated?
Chris: Thanks, Mom.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Having my mother believe in me when I was wrong was one of the reasons that I always wanted to do right.
Rochelle: Hey, did you ever get those PSAT scores back?
Chris: Oh, um, I'll get them to you tomorrow.

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