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Quote from Rochelle in Everybody Hates Mr. Levine

Bouncer: Why don't you wait here while things clear out a little bit?
Rochelle: Oh, no, no, you don't understand, I-I'm with her.
Bouncer: Kiki, you didn't tell me you were bringing your mother. How you doing, mama? Come on in.
Rochelle: I am not her mother.
Kiki: N-No, that's my friend Rochelle.
Bouncer: Oh, hey, I thought it was your mother. Why don't you chill out here for a minute and wait here while things, uh, thin out?
Rochelle: Kiki! Kiki! You just gonna leave me out here?
Kill Moves: I'll see you inside. It won't be too long.
Bouncer: Moves. How you doing, Moves?
Kill Moves: My man.
Bouncer: Good to see you, brother.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] It was ladies' night, not old ladies' night.

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