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Quote from Chris in Everybody Hates the Substitute

Mr. Newton: You think I'm sitting here because of making B-minuses?
Chris: No, I think you're sitting here because my real teacher is gone.
Mr. Newton: You getting smart?
Chris: Is that a trick question? [Mr. Newton reaches into his satchel]
Adult Chris: [v.o.] He's got a gun.
Mr. Newton: My resume.
Chris: Harvard, Stanford, Oxford.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Mumford.
Chris: So if you're so smart, why are you still substitute teaching?
Mr. Newton: Because, every now and then, I need someone who needs me. And, Chris, that someone is you. Starting tomorrow, I'm going to get some brains into that head of yours.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] And I'm going to put a brick upside that head of yours.
Mr. Newton: You keep that resume as a reminder.

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