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Quote from Chris in Everybody Hates the Substitute

Chris: B-. All right!
Mr. Newton: You're happy with this grade?
Chris: Yeah, I usually don't do this well in math.
Mr. Newton: Really? Do you know who Sam Graddy is?
Chris: No.
Mr. Newton: Sam Graddy finished second behind Carl Lewis in the 100-meter dash at the Summer Olympics.
Chris: So?
Mr. Newton: Sam Graddy is the second-fastest man alive and it doesn't mean a damn thing. Sam Graddy doesn't have a Wheaties box, no shoe endorsement, no Sam Graddy running shorts; not even a pair of Sam Graddy socks. Sam Graddy couldn't even get his own name on his driver's license. They gave him one that says "Carl Lewis." B-.
Chris: Wait, what are you doing?
Mr. Newton: B-... F. All the same.
Chris: No, no, no, it's not. One's a pass and one's a fail.
Mr. Newton: Not for you.

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