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Quote from Adult Chris in Everybody Hates Halloween

Adult Chris: [v.o.] That's Mr. Harris. He was the neighborhood butcher. But on Halloween, he became Sweet Tooth, the Candy Pimp.
Sweet Tooth: Candy, candy, candy! Halloween candy! So what you kids got in the bags? Give it up to Sweet Tooth.
Drew: Why don't you leave us alone?
Sweet Tooth: You know, this is a little light.
Tonya: Hey!
Sweet Tooth: But I'm gonna give you kids a chance to make it right for old Sweet Tooth.
Drew: Give my sister her candy back now!
Adult Chris: [v.o.] I was so glad Drew didn't have a sword.
Sweet Tooth: Do I hear back talk?
Drew: No.
Sweet Tooth: I thought not. Now, you kids get to tricking and to treating. And you best to have all my candy.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Sweet Tooth died two years later of a bad case of gingivitis.

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