Sister Michael Quote #52

Quote from Sister Michael in The Affair

[Intro to "Feeling Hot Hot Hot" by The Merrymen plays]
♫ Ole, Ole, ole, ole, ole ♫ ♫ Ole, Ole, ole, ole, ole ♫
[As Aisling and Jenny dance, Pudsey Bear encourages Miss Mooney to get up and dance]
Miss Mooney: Oh, God, please no!
♫ Feeling Hot Hot Hot ♫ ♫ Feeling Hot Hot Hot ♫
Sister Michael: No, no, no. [stops music] Thank you, girls. We won't forget that performance in a hurry... no matter how hard we try. Now, amidst the merriment, it's easy to forget there is a serious and rather depressing side to Children in Need, mainly the fact that Father Peter has decided to come and talk to us about it.


 ‘The Affair’ Quotes

Quote from Orla

Erin: How's it going? [Clare gives a "so-so" hand gesture] You're really not gonna talk for 24 hours?
Orla: Yeah, that's tough. You're better off not breathing.
Erin: Would she be, Orla? Or... would she be dead?
Orla: It's not doing me any harm.
Erin: What?
Orla: I'm not breathing for Children in Need.
Erin: That's happening now, is it, you're currently not breathing?
Orla: Correct.
Erin: Grand.

Quote from Orla

Erin: That Eileen Rafferty story did not add up, girls.
Michelle: Do you think your ma's getting plumbed by the plumber?
Orla: Well, I never trusted her, not since the day I met her.
Erin: She's your auntie, Orla. The day you met her you were a new-born baby.
Orla: Exactly.

Quote from Aunt Sarah

Gabriel: Um... [notices Mary's book] Ah! Emily Bronte. Wow, what a genius.
Aunt Sarah: We'll have to take your word for it, Gabriel, for we don't know her.