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Quote from Sister Michael in The Affair

[Intro to "Feeling Hot Hot Hot" by The Merrymen plays]
♫ Ole, Ole, ole, ole, ole ♫ ♫ Ole, Ole, ole, ole, ole ♫
[As Aisling and Jenny dance, Pudsey Bear encourages Miss Mooney to get up and dance]
Miss Mooney: Oh, God, please no!
♫ Feeling Hot Hot Hot ♫ ♫ Feeling Hot Hot Hot ♫
Sister Michael: No, no, no. [stops music] Thank you, girls. We won't forget that performance in a hurry... no matter how hard we try. Now, amidst the merriment, it's easy to forget there is a serious and rather depressing side to Children in Need, mainly the fact that Father Peter has decided to come and talk to us about it.

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