Aunt Sarah Quote #18

Quote from Aunt Sarah in Episode Six

Sarah: Orla has got really into step aerobics. Her instructor says she's a natural. Says she's got what it
takes to go all the way.
Mary: All the way in step aerobics?
Sarah: But it's out of control now, Mary. She's stepping morning, noon and night. Apart from anything else, it's dangerous. She nearly came through the ceiling yesterday. OK, she might be gifted, but I just want her to have a normal childhood.
Orla: I won't give it up. I can't.
Sarah: Listen to yourself, love.


 ‘Episode Six’ Quotes

Quote from Aunt Sarah

Erin: She basically told us we can't print the story because it's about a lesbian.
Sarah: Do you not think there's an awful lot of lesbians about nowadays? You can't move for lesbians. It's wall-to-wall lesbians out there.

Quote from Sister Michael

Sister Michael: Lovely, altogether. You know, every year I sit backstage listening to the singers and it really makes me realise just how talented the professionals who originally recorded these tracks were. Now, who's on next?

Quote from James

James: I support gays, even though I myself am not actually gay.