Chris Pratt Quotes

Find quotes from 1 of Chris Pratt's TV roles.

  • Andy Dwyer - Parks and Recreation Andy Dwyer - Parks and Recreation

    Parks and Recreation centers on Leslie Knope, a mid-level bureaucrat in the parks department of the fictional town of Pawnee, Indiana, who is determined to use her position to improve the lives of the town's residents.

    Main Character 567 quotes

Parks and Recreation: Andy Dwyer Quotes

Quote from Flu Season

Andy: Leslie, I typed your symptoms into the thing up here, and it says you could have network connectivity problems.


Quote from Save JJ's

Ben: Now you said your new landlord didn't give you a chance to counter. Who is it?
JJ: It was a company with a weird-sounding name. Hang on.
Andy: Was it Putin? Voldemort Putin? Of Russia? I'd love to take that bastard down.

Quote from The Comeback Kid

Leslie Knope: Ron, how's the stage coming?
Ron Swanson: Well, since we had to jettison the bulk of the wood, this is the biggest I could make it.
Leslie Knope: Oh, my God. Good lord, what happened to the rest of my face?
Andy: We had to "Jetsons" most of the poster too, but I kind of like it, 'cause windows are the eyes to the house.