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What's Up, Doc?

‘What's Up, Doc?’

Season 7, Episode 18 - Aired March 30, 1989

After Sam gets nowhere with a psychologist friend of Frasier and Lilith's, he books an appointment to talk about a sensitive issue.

Quote from Sam

Dr. Sheila Rydell: Oh, I see. Yes, well, uh, arousal dysfunction is a fairly common problem, but it can be very, very, very distressing.
Sam: Oh, it is. It is.
Dr. Sheila Rydell: How does this problem usually manifest itself?
Sam: Oh, it's too painful to talk about. I could demonstrate if you like.
Dr. Sheila Rydell: No, thank you.
Sam: No, no, you're probably right. With my luck, it would work, you know... Like when you take your car to the mechanic, you know.

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