Cliff Quote #389

Quote from Cliff in Christmas Cheers

Cliff: Hey, good afternoon, all you warmhearted and generous people.
Norm: Cliffy. What's with the box?
Cliff: Well, the, uh, postal carriers are having a food drive, and if you, uh, good Samaritans fill this box with canned goods, I'll, uh, win a free trip to Disney World. Yeah. Imagine that. Pirates of the Caribbean, Mr. Toad's Wild Ride and me.
Norm: So, who are the cans for?
Cliff: Uh, I don't know. Poor, needy, somebody like that.


 ‘Christmas Cheers’ Quotes

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Oh, joy. Christmas Eve. By this time tomorrow, millions of Americans, knee deep in tinsel and wrapping paper, will utter those heartfelt words, "ls this all I got?"

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Boy, they make such a fuss about Mother Teresa...
Cliff: Excuse me there, Doctor, but, uh, do l, uh, detect a wry note of cynicism there in your comments?
Frasier: Cynical? Me? How could I possibly be cynical? Living in a nation in which we celebrate the holy birth of a babe in a manger with Perry Como in Hawaii.

Quote from Sam

Rebecca: But I did have plenty of time to make out next week's schedule.
Sam: Whoa, whoa, wait a second here. You got us working on Christmas Eve. That's a holiday.
Rebecca: No, Christmas is a holiday.
Sam: Well, it's a holiday eve.