Frasier Quote #724

Quote from Frasier in Woody Gets an Election

Woody: I don't know if I can handle a debate, Dr. Crane. I'm not very good at rendering my opinions.
Frasier: Nothing to worry about, Woody. Just tell some more of those farm stories, people seem to love those. If that doesn't work, just say the word "change" about a hundred times. Come on, let's go to my place and work on it. Trust me, Woody, with my brains and your smile, who knows how high we can go. Congressman, senator... [breathily] Who knows?


 ‘Woody Gets an Election’ Quotes

Quote from Woody

Frasier: Thank God I got to you in time! I've got to talk... What are you reading?
Woody: Well, I'm boning up on the Constitution in case I ever decide to run for Congreff.
Frasier: It's Congress, Woody. In colonial times, the S's looked like F's.
Woody: Oh. Well, if I'm elected, that's the first thing I'm gonna change.

Quote from Cliff

Cliff: Hey, holy moly, guacamole, Normie.
Norm: Hey, what? Huh?
Cliff: See that guy down there? I think that might be Spanky McFarland from the old Little Rascals.
Norm: Get out.
Cliff: Yeah, I think so.
Norm: Really?
Cliff: Hey, I'll go ask him. I'll go check it out. [humming The Little Rascals theme] Hey, how are you doing, Sid?
Spanky McFarland: Hi.
Cliff: Hey, uh, my name's Cliff Clavin.
Spanky McFarland: Hello, Cliff.
Cliff: You know, I... I know you've probably heard this a thousand times before, but you do resemble that, uh, child actor Spanky McFarland from The Little Rascals.
Spanky McFarland: Well, that's because...
Cliff: 'Cause I'm one of Little Rascals fan there ever was. I mean I've got every episode on tape, you know. Well, except "Free Eats" and, uh, "Captain Spanky's Showboat."
Spanky McFarland: That's great.
Cliff: Yeah, Alfalfa, Darla, Buckwheat. [chuckles] Hey, I got to confess, I had quite a big crush on Darla. I'll tell you, you know, if you were Spanky, boy, I could sit here and chew on your ear for hours, you know, about the, you know, "Happy Birthday, Mr. Hood" and the "He-Man Women Haters Club." And remember the sound the cake made coming out of the oven? Was it... [makes groaning noise] Huh? So, uh, are-are you Spanky?
Spanky McFarland: Nope.
Cliff: Ah. Take care. Catch you later.
Norm: You are Spanky, aren't you?
Spanky McFarland: Oh, yeah.

Quote from Cliff

Cliff: Well, that's, uh, Mr. Kevin Fogerty, our city councilman. He's been there for three consecutive terms. Running for re-election now; Nobody dares run against him. He's also very, very rude to, uh, voters who call with perfectly normal and good suggestions.
Man: Okay, Mr. Clavin, remember the rules: You have to keep at least 50 feet from Mr. Fogerty at all times.
Cliff: Yeah. All right, just to be safe, I'd better go back in the pool room.