Woody Quote #663

Quote from Woody in Madame LaCarla

Lee Bradken: No. By giving the best performance you can give. Look, I talked the critic into coming back tonight, Woody. If you can change his mind, he'll say so in tomorrow's column. Now, Woody, how do you feel about going on tonight?
Woody: Feel great!
Lee Bradken: And how do you feel about your fellow actors?
Woody: Am better than other actors.
Lee Bradken: Well, Woody-
Woody: Can direct better than Bradken.
Lee Bradken: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! You've still got a long way to go. I'll see you tonight. [exits]
Woody: "Is jealous of my youth and good looks."


 ‘Madame LaCarla’ Quotes

Quote from Cliff

Cliff: I got something to add to the conversation. If a 100-megaton warhead detonated over the city of Boston, the results would be so horrific that the survivors would envy the dead.
Norm: We weren't having a conversation, Cliff.
Cliff: Well! Then food for thought.

Quote from Cliff

Woody: Well, it's probably best you didn't come last night. I've still got to iron out a few bugs.
Cliff: Well, all I can tell you, Woody, is that Ma loved the play. Yeah, I mean, there's something about the idea of sweet old ladies being cold-blooded murderesses. Just seemed to tickle her funny bone. [laughs] All the way home she just laughed and laughed. Matter of fact, I woke up at 3:00 a.m., and there she was sitting in my room in a rocking chair rocking back and forth, staring at me and making this low, guttural chuckle. Boy, does she love the theater.

Quote from Carla

Carla: Whoa! I'm gonna be a psychic! Who could have predicted that?