Nick Tortelli Quote #28

Quote from Nick Tortelli in If Ever I Would Leave You

Nick Tortelli: Listen, tonight after work, me and you, what do you say, like the old times? All right, we'll go over to the White Castle, get some burgers and then catch some wrestling? There's a couple of great grudge matches tonight, huh?
Carla: Forget it, Nick. I'd enjoy that with a classy guy, but you and I aren't happening.
Nick Tortelli: Carla, what do I have to do? Don't you believe that people change? I'm telling you, you hit rock bottom, then you've got to change or there's no living with yourself otherwise. Sam understands that. He was a stinking drunk.
Sam: I had a problem, Nick.
Nick Tortelli: And good Miss Diane understands. She's hustling hooch now. It wasn't too long ago she was strapped to a bed in the drooling academy.
Diane: It was only once that I was restrained to my bed for my own safety when psychotropic drugs affected my sense of balance. And that was only for a week and a half, I was told. And anyway, what are we talking about me for?
Nick Tortelli: Carla, why will you not relent?
Carla: Because I don't believe you have it in you to be true to me. I think if Loretta came back and wanted you, you would go to her.
Nick Tortelli: Carla, you're going to believe me one day and I'm going to hang in until you do. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to finish oiling the coasters on Sam's office chair. Uh, fixing the big wheel's little wheels.
Sam: I appreciate it, Nick.


 ‘If Ever I Would Leave You’ Quotes

Quote from Sam

Norm: Sammy, when's the Coach gonna get back from visiting his sister?
Sam: Uh, he'll be in Minnesota at least another week.
Cliff: Is his sister anything, you know, like the Coach?
Sam: Let me put it this way. He asked her to pick him up at the airport. She thought he meant the Boston airport so she drove all the way here to pick him up. Fortunately, that's what he meant. They had lunch at the airport. Then they drove on to St. Paul.
Cliff: Wait. Uh, I thought she lived in Duluth, there.
Sam: She does, but they don't like the food at the airport in Duluth. You know, actually, Coach will probably be back before I could explain this to you.

Quote from Nick Tortelli

Diane: Oh, Nick Tortelli, this is someone with whom you have absolutely nothing in common, my paramour, Dr. Frasier Crane.
Nick Tortelli: Uh, doctor of what? Can you get any pills?
Frasier: I'm a psychiatrist. Uh, have we met? You wouldn't by any chance be the bogus missing link exhibited at the Amsterdam World's Fair?
Nick Tortelli: No, but you're not the first person who asked me. I wish I had done something like that. Maybe my life would be worth something.

Quote from Cliff

Nick Tortelli: Well, she ran out on me. You see, she always wanted to be a singer. She got an offer from this big musical group that's touring the country. The Grinning Americans.
Frasier: The grinning what?
Cliff: Well, they're a group of wholesome young people, who wear, you know, pullover sweaters, sing patriotic songs. You know, they've had me and Ma marching around the living room on more than one Sunday afternoon, I can tell you.
Frasier: Cliff. You live with your mother, Cliff?
Cliff: I have my own room. I have my own hot plate. You want to read something sicko into that?