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Quote from Woody in It's a Wonderful Wife

Henri: Ah, Woody. Let's hurry and take your picture. I have plans, huh?
Woody: Oh, yeah, I know. You want to steal my girlfriend.
Henri: No. I could never take Kelly away from you. Why, just this morning, Kelly was telling me how much she loves you.
Woody: Really?
Henri: Yes. It got so annoying, I almost had to kick her out of the shower.
Woody: Is that a joke?
Henri: Ah! But of course. [Woody laughs] Are you ready?
Woody: Yeah, I- I just shaved. How's my face look?
Henri: Mm, as smooth as your girlfriend Kelly's bottom.
Woody: Is that a joke?
Henri: [laughs] But of course it is. You have to shave much closer. [laughs] Where is this, uh, this, uh, American sense of humor I've heard so much about? Uh, bring me a soda and pay for it, Woody.

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