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Quote from Woody in Pudd'n Head Boyd

Mary: Good evening, ma'am.
Woody: Oh, hello, there. Oh, thank you. I'm blind as a bat without glasses.
Woody: I've never seen a bat with glasses.
Mary: That's funny.
Woody: [chuckling] Yeah, I can imagine.
Mary: I believe it might rain soon.
Woody: [as Twain] "One of the brightest gems of the New England weather is the dazzling uncertainty of it."
Mary: [chuckling] Well, what can you do?
Woody: "Everybody talks about the weather, but no one ever does anything about it."
Mary: Uh, may I have a glass of white wine, please?
Woody: Wine. White wine. Uh... Let's see, now. They have a lot of wine in San Francisco, don't they?
Mary: Oh, I suppose they do.
Woody: "One of the coldest winters I ever spent was summer in San Francisco." Sorry, that's as close as I could get.
Mary: [chuckling] You're rather amusing.
Woody: Well, thanks. But I've been quoting Mark Twain.
Mary: I know; I think that's amusing. And, uh, I suppose that you've been told that you look something like him.
Woody: Yeah, I get that a lot. You know, you look a little bit like Emily Dickinson. She's one of the authors in hell.
Mary: Oh, that's an unkind assumption, sir. Although she's never been one of my favorites, either.

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