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Quote from Carla in Affairs of the Heart

Sam: Who's jerking who here? Come on, Carla. You you know, you always say you're tough. You talk tough, you act tough. You're not tough. Tough guys take chances. You're a chicken.
Carla: Don't ever call me that.
Sam: Ah. Ah. That's what you are, Carla. You're a chicken. [bawks]
Carla: Hey, hey, hey. I want to go with you. You have been cruising on your looks for too long, buddy.
Sam: I'm not going to fight you.
Carla: Yeah, you are. Let's go! [punches Sam]
Sam: [restrains Carla] Hey, Carla, come on. You're half my size. [Carla grabs Sam's hand and squeezes, she bits his arm and kicks him in the shin] Ow, ow, That's dirty!
Carla: Nobody calls me chicken. I'm going to go out there and be so vulnerable, I'm going to go open myself to happiness like a banshee. Hey, Sam, can I have the night off? [Sam accidentally hits his head under his table as he tries to get up]
Sam: Ow.
Carla: Thanks.

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