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Quote from Sam in Cheers Has Chilli

Fire Marshal Dobbins: Sam, we got a tip that Cheers is operating a kitchen without a permit.
Anything to that?
Sam: Oh, gosh no. I don't think anything that would concern you, you know, just a couple of exposed propane tanks, unventilated hot plate. I mean, but that... Oh, now wait a second. Gee, that's a... That's a potential fire hazard. And you, you're a fire marshal. What was I thinking?
Fire Marshal Dobbins: I think I'll just take a look-see.
Sam: [to Carla] Maybe I shouldn't have called the fire department. Maybe that was wrong.
Carla: Don't chicken out now, Sam.
Sam: No, no, no, maybe I shoulda put a mouse in the chili and called the health department. That would have been funnier.

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