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Quote from Frasier in It's a Wonderful Wife

Lilith: Frasier, I've been waiting for you. Happy Birthday.
Frasier: Well, darling, for me?
Lilith: Now, Frasier, you know that in the past some of my birthday presents to you have been a little dull. So, this year, I decided to try something a little more adventurous. I thought to myself, "What would my husband think of a provocative photograph of his demure wife stretched out languidly on a bearskin rug?"
All: Whoo-hoo!
Frasier: Lilith, surely you're joking.
Lilith: I am not. [bar patrons whistle and howl]
Frasier: Well, you're right. That certainly is a bearskin rug. And that is definitely you. Oh, how erotic. I guess we'll have to keep the negatives. We'd hate to have them falling into the hands of Fully Dressed Woman's Monthly.

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