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Quote from Cliff in Tan 'n' Wash

Cliff: Well, Normie, I gotta say it's the silliest, most harebrained scheme I've ever heard of. [chuckles] Yeah. Well, I gotta go. [quietly] Normie, walk me out.
Norm: I'm not leaving yet, Cliff.
Cliff: Neither am l. Ma and I want in.
Norm: In where?
Cliff: Don't be naive, Normie. Put me up for five shares.
Norm: No, no, no. Investments are risky, Cliff. Look, I never do business with friends, all right? Besides, it's 200 bucks a share.
Sam: Put me down for five, too, will ya?
Cliff: Oh, great, Norm, now the cat's outta the bag!

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