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Quote from Coach in Manager Coach

Coach: What are you guys doing here?
Diane: They came by to quit.
Coach: Well, forget it, Diane. Nobody's quitting.
Boy #1: Well, I am. I can't take it any more. You're too hard on me. I can't sleep. My pets hate me. I'm starting to smoke again. I've had enough and I'm through.
Boy #2: Me too!
Coach: Oh, you're gonna quit, huh? That's what I've got on my hands, a bunch of quitters? Well, go ahead and quit. I can go it alone. Who needs you? Get outta here! Quit! Get back here! Line up against that bar, all of you. Now, I got a little story for you and I hope it just sticks with you for the rest of your life. Sam, what's a good story?

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