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Quote from Coach in Affairs of the Heart

Coach: Wait a minute. I agree with Cliff. Cheers is a romantic bar. I mean, you take even a poor guy like Hank with his terrible problem. He can get a girl.
Sam: Coach, what terrible problem?
Coach: Oh, well, sorry, I can't talk about it. Hank told me not to.
Sam: Coach, this could be kind of important. Can you give us a hint or something?
Coach: A hint? OK, I got one. Uh... Lefty Cramer.
Sam: Lefty Cramer, the old third baseman?
Coach: Right. Lefty has the same problem that Hank has.
Sam: Hank can't hit a breaking pitch?
Cliff: Oh, yeah, poor Carla, huh?
Norm: She'll be crushed.

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