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Quote from Cliff in Woody or Won't He

Carla: Face it, Rebecca. This dump is filled with wussy wimps.
Cliff: You just hold on there right now, Carla. l, for one, have a very good reason for not riding on that bull.
Norm: Right. He's afraid his keys are gonna fly out of his pocket.
Cliff: Oh, yeah? You guys can go ahead and make fun and all, but you get on that thing, the keys fly out of your pocket, hits you in the eye... You'll never enjoy a View-Master again I'll tell you.
Carla: Baloney, Clavin. You're just a chicken. [bawks]
Cliff: All right! Keep your corns on. I'm the only guy in this waterin' hole, obviously, who is man enough to take on that mechanical beast. Normie, watch my keys, will ya? Safety first.
Norm: What are friends for, Cliff?

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