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Quote from Woody in Cheers: The Motion Picture

[on film:]
Sam: Woody, uh, what's going on?
Woody: Oh, well, I have a little dilemma here, Sam. My father might call me back home and, uh, if he does - and I sure hope he doesn't - what am I gonna do with this? [puppy whimpering] I mean, after all, what kind of a place is a small farm to raise a puppy? I was hoping you could take him, Sam.
Sam: Well, gee, Woody, I don't have the room. I guess you'll just have to put the poor little fella to sleep.
Woody: Put this poor puppy to sleep because I have to leave Boston? Well, if that's what my father wants.
Sam: What a shame, Woody. What kind of dog is it?
Woody: What's the difference? He's gonna die.
Sam: Well, maybe your daddy will let you stay here and take care of him.
Woody: I'd sure prefer that. What about you, pooch? Would you prefer that to dying?
[in the bar:]
Diane: Subtle tug at the old heartstrings there, guys.
Cliff: [crying] Boy, I'll say.

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