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Quote from Diane in A Ditch in Time

Diane: So you didn't make any plans to see each other again?
Sam: Well, you know, I like it when a woman is hot for me, but this is ridiculous. It's none of your business, but if you must know, yeah, I was thinking about calling her again.
Diane: Oh, no. I wish Frasier weren't at that nerve-ending symposium. Well, I guess I have to tell you the truth. Amanda and I became friends... at a place.
Sam: Ooh, that's pretty fascinating. You're going to have to fill me in on that later.
Diane: The place was Goldenbrook.
Sam: The booby hatch? Oh, no, she looked so normal. What, were you guys cellmates or something?
Diane: There are no cells at Goldenbrook. I was there of my own volition as were a lot of other normal people who just needed a little time to rest and sort out their feelings under constant psychiatric supervision.

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