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Quote from Diane in A Ditch in Time

Amanda: I made a lot of mistakes here, Sam. And I have a history of being wrong about men. But I know it's different this time with you. No matter what happens, I'll never stop loving you. Till the day I die, you'll always be mine.
Sam: Well, this is going pretty well, wouldn't you say?
Diane: Amanda, I didn't want to say this but I have to tell you something now that will change the way you feel about Sam.
Amanda: Nothing you could ever say will change the way I feel about him.
Diane: Except this.
Amanda: Except nothing. No matter what you ever do, no matter where you ever go, I'll never get over you.
Diane: Amanda, do you remember the man I used to talk about in group therapy?
Amanda: Ralph?
Diane: This is Ralph.
Amanda: Sam is Ralph?
Diane: That's right. The man to whom you just pledged your undying love is Ralph.
Amanda: Well, he can't hold me to that. If they won't let me sign contracts or have a credit card or vote, then I am not responsible for hysterical hogwash that I babbled in the backroom of a bar. Thank you for saving me, Diane. Sam, I will think of you... every time I see something scurry under the sink.

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