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Quote from Carla in Affairs of the Heart

Carla: You're Hank?
Hank: Yeah. How do you do.
Carla: Shut up and answer a few questions. First of all, where'd you come from all of a sudden? We never saw you in here before.
Hank: I don't really get out that much.
Carla: He's married.
Hank: No, no, Carla. I'm single.
Carla: You ever been married?
Hank: No.
Carla: Gay as a goose.
Hank: Carla. Carla.
Carla: What?
Hank: I like women. Some women very much.
Carla: Hooker bait.
Hank: Carla, I don't mind being put through my paces. In fact, I'm always one to enjoy a good game. I hope this one gets better.

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