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Season 4, Episode 14 - Aired January 17, 1997

It's Cory's sixteenth birthday and after passing his driver's exam, Cory wants to head out on the open road with his friends, but Alan has a hard time letting his soon go.

Quote from Cory

Cory: Here, put these on.
Morgan: I don't want to wear boxing mittens. I don't know how they work.
Cory: They're not boxing mittens, they're boxing gloves. And they don't work, you just hit me!


Quote from Cory

Cory: It's my sword and I'm not sharing it.

Quote from Cory

Morgan: I'm Cory. I'm 16, and I'm going to Atlantic City to see an R-rated movie. *Laughs*
Cory: Uh, here, Morgan, let me help you make the matinee. *Pushes Morgan's toy car*

Quote from Topanga

Topanga: I'm not going with you guys to some R-rated movie.
Cory: Uh, Van Damme takes his shirt off.
Topanga: Auhooga!

Quote from Cory

Cory: Because tomorrow I got wheels. I am free and independent. Tomorrow I am a man!
Waitress: Who gets a clown burger?
Cory: (raises hand) I collect the little hats.

Quote from Eric

Cory: Eric, when you were 16-
Eric: Yeah, I had the same great hair.

Quote from Eric

Cory: Listen, did Dad still treat you like you were six?
Eric: No. He weirded out a little bit on me because, you know, I got my license and made him feel old, and he went out and bought a cemetery plot and everything, but I bet you it's not nearly as bad as he's treating you.

Quote from Eric

Cory: 'Cause he likes you better.
Eric: Yup, he does, he does. Well, that, and he still had you around.
Cory: Well, he's got Morgan.
Eric: Girl.
Cory: What?
Eric: You're his last son, son. Now you're old enough to drive away and leave him alone with Morgan, who goes to-
Cory: Art class.

Quote from Cory

Morgan: Fine. I'm glad you're happy. I have to change into my party dress for your party.
Cory: No dress. Wear pants. Keep the helmet on. And call a doctor.

Quote from Cory

Cory: Dad, come on, I'm 16. I'm not a little kid anymore.
Waitress: Here's your clown burger. I told them it was your birthday, so they threw in an extra hat.
Cory: Whoo-hoo! I mean, (less emphatic) whoo-hoo.