Shawn Quote #182

Quote from Shawn in Pop Quiz

Cory: I wish there was some way to do a book report without reading the book.
Shawn: They can put a man on the moon, but you still gotta read.


 ‘Pop Quiz’ Quotes

Quote from Mr. Feeny

Mr. Feeny: Gentlemen, do you ever go home and open a book?
Shawn: What?
Mr. Feeny: I want you to go home this afternoon and open a book. I don't care what you had otherwise planned. I order, nay I command you, go home and open a book!

Quote from Alan

Eric: Two passes to Sliding Rapids Mountain. Excellent.
Alan: Yep, you and your brother should have a blast.
Eric: Ah, no, no, no. See, when I look at this ticket I see someone in a skimpy wet bikini.
Alan: Well, that's entirely up to Cory.

Quote from Shawn

Mr. Feeny: You know, I'd give up on them but I don't think they'd notice.
Shawn: What?