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Heartbreak Cory

‘Heartbreak Cory’

Season 5, Episode 14 - Aired February 6, 1998

Cory's ski trip gets off to a rocky start when he sprains his ankle getting off the bus. While the gang enjoy their ski trip, Cory spends his time with Lauren, an attractive employee at the lodge.

Quote from Topanga

Topanga: You know I could take you.
Angela: You don't want to dance with me, girl.
Topanga: You don't see me running, do you?
Angela: Bring it on, Topanga.
Topanga: It's on.


Quote from Shawn

Shawn: At precisely 2AM, you will sneak from our room to Feeny's door to check for snoring.
Cory: Rhythmic or intermittent?
Shawn: Rhythmic! I told you rhythmic. Am I alone in this?

Quote from Cory

Cory: Oh, it's broken. It's broken in seven places. Give me 50ccs of St. Joseph's chewable aspirin. Stat!