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Season 4, Episode 9 -  Aired May 26, 2013

Tobias begins his community service work at Lucille Austero's rehab clinic, where he tries to stage a musical production of The Fantastic Four.

Quote from Tobias

Debrie: Tobias. I don't think I can do this.
Tobias: You can do anything I want you to do. And you want to do as well. We need this. This will make all our old dreams come true.
Debrie: But maybe they're old for a reason.
Tobias: Oh, you're focusing on the wrong words. If we can get through tonight, DeBrie, we can get through anything. All right? Don't worry about it. The audience will be completely drunk, and if we're not perfect, they'll take it out on us, but that's why you're going to be perfect. You have to be perfect. Okay.


Quote from Tobias

Narrator: And that's how Buster was drafted to be in Tobias' musical.
Tobias: You're a monster, you don't have to be any good.
Buster: What?
Narrator: It wasn't a great choice of words.
Tobias: Butch it up and "Thing" your heart out.

Quote from Tobias

Tobias: Excuse me.Make way for Sue Storm.
Narrator: And now the almost invisible Invisible Girl got on the boat to head to the floating stage. Unfortunately, and not for the first time, Tobias got on the wrong boat. Except this one was piloted by a man who not only expected a woman in disguise, but also had a real bad case of face blindness. And as it turned out, the woman he was expecting had just given a rousing speech and joined the Love campaign as they took the message that Marky had vowed to torpedo to the sea.
Tobias: I think this is going to make quite a splash.
Marky Bark: [laughs] Oh, I know it is.

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