Maeby Quote #59
Quote from Maeby in Sword of Destiny
Michael: George Michael, ready to drive? I don't have much time.
George Michael: Get me behind that wheel.
Michael: Oh, no, you will not be behind the wheel. You'll observe me while I demonstrate some things, okay? I'll be quizzing you too, hotshot. I'm gonna go grab the video camera. And then, school's in.
Maeby: I'd skip.
Gob: Well, no, I need to learn. You can't get around anywhere without a driver's license.
Narrator: Actually, Maeby had received a company car from the movie studio where she was secretly posing as an executive.
Arrested Development Quotes
‘Sword of Destiny’ Quotes
Quote from Tobias
Tobias: Although, if I may, let me take off my assistant skirt and put on my Barbra Streisand in The Prince of Tides ass-masking therapist pantsuit.
Michael: What?
Tobias: The reason that you can't accept my help is the same reason you can't hear that gentleman's idea, because you have to be in total control of everything. And it's going to make you sick if you can't let go.
Quote from Tobias
Tobias: Wouldn't do what?
Lindsay: Be Michael's assistant.
Tobias: [chuckles] Well, that's what I came down here to ask about. I think you'll find me more than qualified.
Michael: It's really not that simple. Uh, you'd have to submit a resume.
Tobias: Booyah!
Michael: Wow. Gobias Industries.
Tobias: Gobias.
Michael: Right.
Tobias: As in "Go buy us a cup of-"
Michael: I remember, yeah.
Quote from Tobias
Dr. Stein: But I'm certainly good enough to take out that appendix of yours.
Lucille: Appendix? I don't buy it. Could be a hernia.
Tobias: Or it could be your colon. I'd want to get in there and find some answers.