Michael Quote #109

Quote from Michael in Best Man for the Gob

Michael: Hey, Gob. It's a good thing you're not staying married to this girl. You've got her hating me at least your version of me, which is actually you.


 ‘Best Man for the Gob’ Quotes

Quote from Tobias

Tobias: As you may or may not know, Lindsay and I have hit a bit of a rough patch.
Michael: Really? When did that start?
Tobias: Well... I don't want to blame it all on 9/11, but it certainly didn't help.

Quote from Tobias

Tobias: I just want to be a family again. I guess what I'm saying is I want to reunite the band.
Michael: Oh, no.
Narrator: "Oh, no" was right. In the mid '90s, Tobias formed a folk music group with Lindsay and Maeby called Dr. Funke's 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution. The group was underwritten by the Natural Life Food Company, a division of Chem Grow, an Allyn-Crane acquisition, and part of the Squimm Group. Their motto was simple. "We keep you alive."
Tobias & Lindsay: [singing] Kind of life that's a little bit better with a Zanotab
Young Maeby: Zanotab may cause dry mouth, hair loss an overly alert feeling, and in some cases may diminish your sex drive.
Tobias & Lindsay: [singing] Zanatab.

Quote from George Michael

George Michael: You know, if you want me on wood block, I can keep perfect time. Some call me the human metronome. You notice how I'm always on time? I'm never late for things.
Maeby: Yeah, but I think punctuality is slightly different from rhythm.
George Michael: No, it's not. It's the exact same thing. It's knowing how long things take.