Michael Quote #108

Quote from Michael in Best Man for the Gob

Narrator: And Michael, as per Gob's request tried to convince his wife that Gob was unreliable.
Michael: So, Gob is late. But I guess that's who you married. He's probably out trying to do something very important.
Bride of Gob: Are you hitting on me? [scoffs] Gob said that would happen.


 ‘Best Man for the Gob’ Quotes

Quote from Tobias

Tobias: As you may or may not know, Lindsay and I have hit a bit of a rough patch.
Michael: Really? When did that start?
Tobias: Well... I don't want to blame it all on 9/11, but it certainly didn't help.

Quote from Tobias

Tobias: I just want to be a family again. I guess what I'm saying is I want to reunite the band.
Michael: Oh, no.
Narrator: "Oh, no" was right. In the mid '90s, Tobias formed a folk music group with Lindsay and Maeby called Dr. Funke's 100% Natural Good-Time Family-Band Solution. The group was underwritten by the Natural Life Food Company, a division of Chem Grow, an Allyn-Crane acquisition, and part of the Squimm Group. Their motto was simple. "We keep you alive."
Tobias & Lindsay: [singing] Kind of life that's a little bit better with a Zanotab
Young Maeby: Zanotab may cause dry mouth, hair loss an overly alert feeling, and in some cases may diminish your sex drive.
Tobias & Lindsay: [singing] Zanatab.

Quote from George Michael

George Michael: You know, if you want me on wood block, I can keep perfect time. Some call me the human metronome. You notice how I'm always on time? I'm never late for things.
Maeby: Yeah, but I think punctuality is slightly different from rhythm.
George Michael: No, it's not. It's the exact same thing. It's knowing how long things take.