Buster Quote #12

Quote from Buster in In God We Trust

Narrator: Michael Meanwhile, Buster was trying to get George Michael to take his place as Adam.
George Michael: I don't know, Uncle Buster.
Buster: Well, you don't have the "frontspiece" yet.
George Michael: "Frontspiece"?
Buster: Look, I don't want to go through a whole song and dance with you. You're going to love it. You just can't do anything that violates the original painting, like giggling or itching. They do allow some nervous crying, but you can tell they don't like it.


 ‘In God We Trust’ Quotes

Quote from Lindsay

Michael: You guys were not sharing a bedroom before?
Lindsay: Well, the cutoffs aren't exactly a turn-on.
Michael: Yeah. What's the deal with the cutoffs?
Lindsay: You've got to promise not to tell anyone this.
Michael: Okay.
Lindsay: He's a never-nude.
Michael: Is that exactly what it sounds like?

Quote from Tobias

Narrator: Tobias suffered a rare psychological affliction of never being able to be completely naked.
[flashback to Tobias emerging from a dressing room:]
Tobias: Excuse me. Do these effectively hide my thunder?
[flashback to Tobias in a doctor's office:]
Proctologist: Oh, I'm sorry. No, I need you to be completely undressed.
Tobias: I am completely undressed.
Michael: I thought he just liked cutoffs.
Lindsay: Me too.

Quote from Lindsay

Narrator: Michael and Lindsay proceeded to drink and air their grievances about their mother.
Lindsay: She's always trying to get me to admit that my marriage isn't working.
Michael: And how's it going with you and Tobias?
Lindsay: It's not working.