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Season 2, Episode 3 - Aired November 21, 2004

When Lucille's private detective, Gene Parmesan (Martin Mull), reveals that George Sr. is in Mexico, Michael puts together a search party to go find him. Meanwhile, Buster tries to escape from the army by fleeing south with his brother.

Quote from Michael

Narrator: Soon, the guys arrived in Mexico and split up to find Ann.
Michael: Ann? [to a Mexican girl] Ann? Oh, thank God, you're all right.
Ann: Mr. Bluth?
Michael: Ann. Oh, thank God, you're all right. Uh, you are Ann, right?
Ann: Yes.
Michael: Of course you are.


Quote from Michael

Gob: Fleeing the country. You bastard.
Michael: No. I'm still not fleeing. Okay? I'm just here to pick up my son's girlfriend. She ran off the last time we were leaving.
Ann: Actually, I was sitting right there the whole time.
George Michael: Yeah? Way to plant, Ann.
Michael: George Michael, uh, listen. Why don't you and Plant wait in the stair car.

Quote from Michael

Gob: Gene! What the hell are you doing?
George Michael: Your mother sent me to find you. She was worried you were up to something.
Gob: I was just looking for a friend.
Michael: What?
Gob: Yeah, that's right, Michael. I went to our mother because I don't have any friends.
George Michael: Oh, that's funny. [laughs]
Michael: Thank you. Gene, can I have a private moment, please?
George Michael: Okay. You're on the clock.

Quote from Gob

Michael: Gob, what are you talking about? If anybody needs a friend right now, it's me. My son's furious at me and he spends all his free time with this girl that, frankly, I'm not that crazy about.
Gob: Not crazy about? Or not crazy about your son growing up?
Michael: Uh- Maybe- Maybe you're right about that. And I really haven't gotten to know her. I've been a little selfish. So, see? You are a friend. You know, I'm- I'm always gonna look out for you. All right? And you're always gonna look out for me. [Ice tackles Michael]
Gob: Sorry. I did see him coming. It's just I kind of wanted to see where you were going with that.

Quote from Michael

George Michael: Where's Uncle Gob?
Michael: Well, I gave the bounty hunter and the P.I a few extra bucks to be his friends for the weekend, while the three of them are looking for my father. And I want to get to know a new friend too. Ann, why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself?

Quote from Buster

Narrator: The next day, Buster was happy. And he decided to never go home again.
Gob: Delivery from the kitchen.
Narrator: But unfortunately, he was already there.
Buster: [gasps] Mother!
Lucille: Buster! I thought you were in Mexico.
Buster: So did I.

Quote from Michael

Narrator: And the next day, Michael returned to work knowing a little more about his son's girlfriend.
Michael: [on the phone] You tell Ann to make sure she studies for Mr. Mason's Algebra II test tomorrow and tell her to make sure that Kim Cho doesn't cheat off her this time. [hangs up]
Gob: Wow. You really got to know her.
Michael: Well, we did spend three hours together in that car ride.
Gob: So, what'd you think?
Michael: I don't like her.

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