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Quote from Gob in A New Attitude

Gob: We were really thirsty. Well, I guess I should get going...
Tony Wonder: Yeah, I'd say stay, but I just I feel... I just feel like we should take it slow, you know?
Gob: Same. I would definitely stay and have gay sex with... Or normal sex with you, but...
Tony Wonder: Yeah, I would totally have gay sex or whatever, but... Just drank a lot of water, you know.
Gob: I just had a lot of water, too.
Tony Wonder: Yeah, I don't want to rush things.
Gob: Same. Same.
Tony Wonder: You know, maybe we make a date to do it another time, and tonight we just...
Gob: We can just sit and talk.
Narrator: Gob had never said anything like that before.
Tony Wonder: That would be amazing.
Narrator: And then he said something else he'd never said before.
Gob: [stilted] I have feelings for you.
Tony Wonder: [stilted] I have feelings for you.
Narrator: The feeling was friendship, but neither had ever experienced it. All they had to do now was avoid making any specific...
Tony Wonder: Why don't we have normal sex on Cinco?
Gob: Let's have normal sex on Cinco.
Narrator: I guess they figured they could get out of it later. I'm not sure why they said that.

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