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Quote from Tobias in Righteous Brothers

Narrator: And later, at the office, Michael had another surprise.
Michael: This can't be good.
Tobias: "Michael, it saddens me greatly to say to you that I can no longer work at the Bluth Company. You've been a great boss"-
Michael: I'm sorry, Tobias. Do you work here?
Tobias: Do I work- I developed an eating disorder being your assistant, Michael.
Michael: I never saw you at the desk.
Tobias: Well, excuse me if I was too busy on my knees in front of the toilet, Michael. "I have a tremendous opportunity now that the Blue Man Group has dropped their cease-and-desist and invited me to audition in Las Vegas. Also, I've developed some issues with food"-
Michael: I'm sorry to interrupt one more time. Is this the real Blue Man Group this time?
Narrator: Tobias had recently been asked to address a group of depressed men who had been described over the phone as blue.
[flashback to Tobias painted blue as he stands in front of a group of somber men:]
Tobias: I feel like a [bleep] idiot.
Tobias: Fortunately, I found a wonderful circle of men to get me through that.

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