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Quote from Gob in Spring Breakout

Narrator: And Michael met up with Gob to try and find their father.
Gob: I got it from the banana stand freezer. The exact same kind of cooler that's in the photo with Dad.
Michael: What do we need another cooler for?
Gob: Ah, poor Michael. You do not think like a magician. Such a "How'd he do dat?"
Michael: Uh-huh.
Gob: It's a classic bait and switch. This is a decoy cooler. We take it in, switch it with the one from the photo and get out of there. Kitty comes back. Everything's normal. It's like we were never there.
Michael: But Dad's gone.
Gob: Long gone. But it buys us all the time in the world. I got it back, Mikey. The self-confidence. I am a magician!

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