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Quote from Tobias in Queen for a Day

Narrator: Meanwhile, Tobias prepared to assume ownership of the Queen Mary.
Tobias: [on the phone] No, no. It's supposed to say "Tobias's Queen Mary." No, that is not what it says.
I distinct- Hello? Well, I suppose I could just paint over "Mary."
Hot Cop #1: Don't bother, man. This is our club now.
Narrator: Tobias didn't want to sell his new club, but Lindsay did. Which is why she hired several members of a local stripper agency called the Hot Cops to pose as the roughnecks.
Tobias: All right, fellas, look. I know you know nothing but a life on the street but I'd like to offer you something that the Queen Mary gave me. The joy of the stage. So maybe you could, uh, start jete-ing and stop "je-terrorizing" me.
Hot Cop #1: Yeah! Absolutely!
Hot Cop #2: We could do Rent.
Tobias: Well, this is joyous news.

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