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Quote from Gob in Colony Collapse

Narrator: Gob was feeling bolder, which was perhaps why Michael returned home to find this.
Gob: [o.s.] And yea, as if to be arisen the third or fourth day with all the magic of... [boulder tips over] Jesus Christ!
Michael: Sorry. Wasn't on there too good. You okay?
Gob: Yeah, it's just part of my illusion for the wedding.
Michael: Yeah, what's the illusion? That you actually love the bride?
Gob: Hey, that's good patter. 'cause I need people to root for the Jesus character.
Michael: I don't remember a biblical passage where Jesus came out of a boulder. Is it in there?
Gob: Oh, no, no, no, the boulder's my escape plan. They think I'm somewhere else. I'm actually in the boulder.

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