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Quote from Gob in Making a Stand

Narrator: Gob had opened a new frozen banana stand, like, 20 feet from the old frozen banana stand.
Michael: What's going on? You just thought you'd put the stand right here?
Gob: Did the research. Did you know that more frozen bananas are sold here on this boardwalk than anywhere in the O.C.?
Michael: Don't call it that.
Gob: Also, gonna need a check, 'cause I went out of pocket on the new sign. Oh, and I need some bananas and some chocolate from the other branch.
Michael: Just go ahead, just take the sign down. Take the whole booth down. You're cannibalizing our business.
Gob: You're just scared of a little competish.
Michael: Well, you know, you guys don't even have bananas, so I'm not too worried. In fact, you know what? Me and my son are gonna kick your little shack's ass.
George Michael: Dad, it's okay. We can just work together with them.
Steve Holt: Yeah, I mean, Dad, that makes sense. We don't really even know the recipe.
George Michael: There's no recipe, you just freeze a banana, then you stick it in the-
Michael: Don't tell them!
Steve Holt: Stick it in the what?! Stick it in the what?
Gob: It's okay, son. We'll figure it out! When we do, we'll have the last laugh. We'll be the laughingstock of the boardwalk.

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