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Check Mates

‘Check Mates’

Season 5, Episode 12 -  Aired March 15, 2019

George Sr., Lucille and Maeby give honesty a try. Meanwhile, as Michael searches for capital hidden within the Bluth Company, George Michael looks for a way out of Fakeblock.

Quote from Gob

Maeby: Wait till you find out who the new president is.
George Sr.: Oh, no.
Gob: [appears] Did somebody say, "Wait until you find out who the president is"?
Lucille: Yes, but then we figured it out, and your father said, "Oh, no."
George Sr.: So, hold on, we've got $3 million tied up in something Gob's in charge of?
Maeby: Maybe we could just hire him, like, a really good assistant.
George Sr.: One step ahead of you. I took this guy home with me last night after I found him next to the police station. Please say hello to my new right-hand man! Now, geo-bead.
Buster: Did somebody say, "I took this guy home with me after I found him next to the police station." [elevator doors close on Buster's prosthetic hand]
Gob: Well, that would've been better if it was his right hand, but, uh but I figured, if somebody's willing to spend 3KK on my company, might be able to spread wealth on myself.


Quote from Gob

Police Officer: Bluth?
Gob: Wait a minute.
George Sr.: Whoa. Wait a minute. hat's going on?
Gob: Oh. Wait, what's going- Who did this? Is this because I'm still gay? Hot Cops? On such short notice? Who did this? Is this 'cause the conversion didn't take?

Quote from Lucille

Chen Wu: Well, shall we conclude the pleasantries and move on to business?
George Sr.: Okay, so as you probably heard, our daughter, Lindsay, lost the election.
Lucille: Ah, that's right, and her opponent Sally Sitwell is very anti-wall. We pleaded with her and asked her to support it, but she won't do it. So, our hands are tied.
George Sr.: That's right. So, unfortunately, we... we, uh, are unable to build the wall.
Lucille: So unfortunate.
George Sr.: Okay. Done. Hey, is this music to you guys?
Lucille: I mean, do you really hear this as music?
Chen Wu: But Ms. Sitwell has publicly supported the construction of the wall.
George Sr.: Technically, yes, but you see, uh, on the flip side of that...
Lucille: We did not expect you to know that.

Quote from George Sr.

George Sr.: Wait, I cannot believe I'm gonna do this, um... I want to tell you the truth, which is what my son insisted we do from the start.
Lucille: The doctors give him three months to-
George Sr.: We spent all your money.
Lucille: What did you lie?
George Sr.: We bought the land on the border with your money. I mean, at least we thought we did, and we were gonna sell it back to the United States for a profit, and we weren't gonna tell you. But guess what? We- We bought- [chuckles] We bought the wrong land. And then, the the Romneys came.
Lucille: Uh, not the regular ones; the Mexican Romneys.
Xiang Wu: We have Romneys. Go on.
Lucille: Then we spent every last dime we had trying to get our idiot daughter elected. Who, by the way, has completely disappeared. So even if she had won, she couldn't have helped. And we've been lying to you for months.
Xiang Wu: Honesty's good.
George Sr.: And my wife is leaving me, and I don't know what to do. And I think she's [bleep] a surfer, and I can't get hard.
Xiang Wu: That is more than enough honesty.
George Sr.: Oh, noodle stab. I mean...

Quote from George Sr.

Xiang Wu: We had no idea how humiliating your circumstances were. It is very important for our partners, even in great failure, to remain honorable and save face.
Chen Wu: We'd like to offer you the opportunity to once again experience dignity by making a monetary gift to your family.
Narrator: And that's when the honesty unexpectedly paid off.
Chen Wu: Perhaps $3 million will suffice for removing some shame.
George Sr.: Three million dollars. I mean, that gets... Whew. That gets gets rid of a lot of lot of shame.
Lucille: I mean, there would still be shame.
George Sr.: Yeah, I mean, we had shame walking in the door, but, I mean, wow...
Xiang Wu: Is there a bank account we can wire the money to that would avoid unwanted attention for you?
Narrator: Indeed, the Bluths had such an account.

Quote from Lucille

Dusty: Oh, hey. How'd it go?
George Sr.: What are you doing here?
Lucille: Oh, I asked him to come. Dusty's an expert on Orient- [Dusty shakes his head] Uh... Asian inscrutability.
Dusty: Very good.

Quote from Lucille

Lucille: We told them we lost all their money, and they gave us $3 million.
George Sr.: So, uh, what's the proper Asian response to that?
Dusty: You can't keep it.
George Sr.: What?
Dusty: You're supposed to give it back. That way, you can save face.
George Sr.: I lost this face when I was 65. I'm keeping the money.
Dusty: They didn't give it to you as a gift. They gave it to you as a chance to regain your pride. If you keep the money, they'll be mildly displeased and probably seek a merciless revenge. But if you give it back to them, see, that's it, you're out. Hard to hear, I know. But there's freedom for you in the exchange.
Narrator: Dusty had more wisdom than it appeared.
Dusty: You said we'd get ice cream.
Lucille: [gasps] I have to get Dusty ice cream.

Quote from George Sr.

George Sr.: Listen to me. That money was given to us by the Chinese so we could give it back to them.
Lucille: It was face-saving money. And now you've spent it, and on what?
Michael: My son's future. And that money's gonna now save the company, because it's invested in something valuable.
George Sr.: We were out. You understand? We were out. No wall. No wall. But if the Chinese see we're buying companies, they're going to want it now. And we are screwed. Do you understand that? You, me, and especially George Michael. Unless you get the money back from him.
Michael: No, no. No, no. George Michael's got nothing to do with this.
George Sr.: Well, you better tell that to the Chinese, because they will trace the $3 million to him, and they will be mildly displeased.
Lucille: You have to get that money back. They're going to be mildly displeased.
George Sr.: Mildly displeased.

Quote from Michael

Michael: It's too late. You heard him. He paid off his debts. You just can't say I made a good decision.
George Michael: Dad, I'm mildly displeased about something.
Michael: This. This is what I spent your money on. Look at him. George Michael, tell them how great your company is and that the son they can't compliment is about to make them rich. Tell them that I made the right choice.
George Michael: ... You made the right choice. Fakeblock is real.
Michael: It's a- It's a very weird way to say it, but, you know... Fakeblock, it's real! This is the- This is the best investment this family has made in years.

Quote from Lucille

Buster: Did my hand get off on this floor?
Lucille: Well, look who finally decided to show up. Steve McQueen from The Great Escape. I take it you saw the unwanted posters?
Buster: Yes, and I got the hint. No one was chasing after me.
Lucille: Oh, right. It had two meanings. Well, I'm sorry. But if you hadn't insisted on being in that stupid parade, none of this would've happened.

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